Our fantastic range of mouldings & planed timber is designed to be seen. Browse products great for decorative room finishes, furniture construction, flooring and much more. Planed timber can be stained and cut to fit your needs, including smooth handrails. And PSE timber is ideal for projects requiring a first-class finish. Save time & effort with planed all around (PAR) timber products, such as window boards & skirting.
Mouldings & Planed Timber

International Timber Cladding
The UK's leading distributor of bespoke timber products. Browse sustainably sourced timber cladding for all tastes and budgets.

Planed Timber
Our range of planed square edge timber can be used for a vast number of building applications.
Jewson's range of wooden mouldings and planed timber includes a selection of products designed to deliver the aesthetic appeal of natural wood, with decorative mouldings, cladding & wood flooring for a wide range of different applications.
Choose hardwood mouldings for maximum longevity, putting in place decorative edges, frames and surrounds that should last for many years to come. Alternatively, choose softwood mouldings for excellent value and a wood that is easy to work with, when you need to fit door mouldings into a more complicated space.
We also stock MDF decorative mouldings, again giving you the benefit of a material that is easy to work, requires little sanding following a straight-edge cut, and which can be given further decoration using a suitable MDF router bit.
Many timber mouldings are used as part of flooring projects to deliver a more professional and luxurious standard of finish. Traditionally this includes skirting boards, but more recently it also includes laminate flooring beading, which can disguise the expansion gap needed to prevent the floor from warping during changes of temperature.
Lightweight mouldings can be installed using all the usual methods of fixing. This can include nails and screws, but sealants & adhesives such as wood glue may also be a suitable solution, especially in areas where the moulding is unlikely to be disturbed.
Our timber complies with regulations on sustainable forestry and certification, with more details about the relevant Chain of Custody scheme available on request, so that you can fully document the source of your timber when working on commercial projects.